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How we measure and access the impact of the careers programme

Trent View College measures progress against the Gatsby Benchmarks via the termly completion of the Compass+ evaluation and this information is shared with the Local Authority. The Gatsby Benchmarks were a recommendation from the Good Career Guidance report by John Holman and have been widely adopted nationally following the DfE’s Careers Strategy in 2017 which recommended all schools work towards the benchmarks. The benchmarks are: 

1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information 
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil 
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers 
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experience of workplaces 
7. Encounters with further and higher education 
8. Personal guidance 

Trent View College is fully compliant with the Baker Clause and all students from Year 12 onwards have at least one employer/workplace encounter and one further education encounter each year. Trent View College continues to work with local employers to ensure that work experience and encounters are appropriate and meaningful. We work hard in partnership with our local enterprise co-ordinator, Steve Dixon and the local authority to lead change in the local area to transform careers provision for young people with SEND.